30 Days Of Genius Blog: Tim Ferriss
When the world can look at an individual and collectively say, “How in the hell does he do all that?” You know you are dealing with...

The Time Is Now
How many times have you heard this? A billion? I know. Probably about as many times as you have heard, “It’s now or never.” Don’t you...

30 Days Of Genius Blog: Ramit Sethi
Every interview I have ever heard with Ramit is completely packed with gems. Simple, strategic, actionable advice that you can start...

Tell Me About Your Funeral
My theory on weddings and funerals is this: For everyone one you attend, you are attending every one you have ever been to, and every one...

Do What You Can't
Casey Neistat is pretty damn amazing. If you know him, it is probably from YouTube. Part of what makes him amazing is he is...

Embrace Social Media & Dominate The Wine Industry
I love wine. It’s art. From the growing to the harvesting, fermenting to aging. The bottle to the glass. And finally, the complete...

No Soliciting
“I didn’t get your email, but I wouldn’t have responded to it anyways. I ignore solicitors.” WTF? Who is a solicitor? (as I look around...